The word Reiki (Ray-key) means, universal energy.

Practitioners believe that energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or emotional pain, and that these energy blocks can cause illness.

Reiki therapy aims to improve the flow and balance of energy in the body through light or no touch.

Reiki is a complementary therapy that may help support healing and increase a feeling of well-being.

Some of the illnesses, injuries or conditions that Reiki may help are:

Wound healing– Reiki helps you relax deeply, and relaxation can help you reduce muscle tension and pain, release stress, speed wound healing and improve your overall well-being,

Chronic Pain Management– Reiki thrapy can help reduce pain, which is also related to some neurodegenerative diseases. Reiki can help you relax deeply, reduce muscle tension and pain, release stress and improve you overall well being.

Chronic Illness– Reiki is a complementary therapy that can be implemented alongside all other medical and therapeutic techniques. Reiki may help in coping with chronic illnesses for which conventional medicine offers no cure, only management.