Hospitals and clinics across America are experiencing key changes. Reiki is beginning to gain acceptance as a meaningful and cost-effective way to improve patient care. While some hospitals are attempting to reduce costs and expand patient care at the same time, Reiki therapy needs no technology at all, and many of its practitioners offer their services for free for patients. Reiki sessions can help patients heal faster with less pain and speed up recovery from surgery. Reiki can also improve mental attitude and lessens the negative effects of medications and other therapeutic procedures.  It is therefore a great way to improve care while saving money for the patients.

Scientific research in the area of “laying-on hands” has been conducted for many years.  There are now quite a few trials that validate the usefulness of Reiki’s curative process. It has been shown to fast-track wound healing, elevate hemoglobin levels, lessen stress and anxiety, and reduce the symptoms of certain ailments like chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, tension headaches and even pre-exam jitters.

Once the scientific perception of Reiki is more widely known, the general public will become more receptive, of this complimentary method of healing. This increased knowledge and acceptance of Reiki, will open doors to more scientific research, and more discovery of the still unrealized potential, of Reiki healing. 

Reiki is a healing technique, that is non- invasive, cost- efficient and a gentle remedy for a host of issues and ailments. Reiki is beneficial to and available to anyone; including children and animals!