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Reiki in a Nutshell

Human beings are composed of energy at our most basic level of existence, and the energy that flows through us in pathways can become blocked as a result of various experiences, ranging from stress in everyday life.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing and is administered by “laying on hands” and is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement, that most anyone can benefit from.

Reiki therapy is not a religion.

 It is used with the same success by people of many faiths and religions as well as by the followers of widely varying philosophies and ideologies. Reiki is not dependent on faith and will work if one believes in it or not. Reiki is spiritual in nature and can do no harm to the clients or patients.

Some Benefits of Reiki?

The benefits can vary from person to person; however, many individuals report positive experiences and improvements in their well-being. Some potential benefits are

  • Relaxation and stress reduction: Reiki promotes relaxation and helps to reduce stress and anxiety. It can induce a meditative state and foster a sense of calm.
  • Improved sleep: Reiki may help improve sleep quality and alleviate insomnia.


  • Pain relief: Reiki has been associated with pain reduction and relief. It may help manage chronic pain and aid in the healing process after injury or surgery.
  • Complementary to medical treatments: Reiki can be used alongside traditional medical treatments to support the well-being of individuals undergoing procedures such as chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.
  • Illness, exam periods, surgery, an accident, addictions, depression and anxiety.
  • Also, chronic illness or end of life transition of a loved one.


Reiki is a type of complimentary healing therapy that originated in Japan and is based on the concept of ki or life energy. It is a simple method of light touch that is believed to promote relaxation and healing by restoring balance to the body’s energy. Here are some of the biggest questions people have about Reiki:

Reiki is a Japanase form of stress reduction and relaxation that practitioners say promotes healing. The idea is that energy flows from the practitioner’s hands into the client. It’s that energy that creates the relaxation and healing effect.

Although Reiki energy is spiritual in nature. Reiki is not a religion. Practitioners are not asked to change any religious or spiritual beliefs they may have.

Reiki Practitioners believe that we all have our own healing energy, and when it becomes weak or blocked, physical and emotional imbalance can develop. Reiki can help restore that balance by promoting relaxation and healing.

During a Reiki session, the client lies down or sits comfortably while the practitioner places their hands on or near the client’s body, (near the energy points, call chakras). The practitioner then channels energy into the client’s body to promote relaxation and healing.

A session typically lasts between 30- 90 minutes.

Not at all. While many people come in for sessions because they are feeling things like pain, overwhelm, depletion, or anxiousness. Stress reduction, is a huge reason clients seek out Reiki. Reiki can support us in so many other aspects of life. Clients can receive Reiki with no intention or expectation.

Reiki can be done remotely or in-person, on Animals too! During an in-person session, the client lies down on a massage table while the practitioner places their hands on or near the client’s body. During a remote session, the client can be anywhere in the world. And the practitioner sends healing energy to them. The only difference between a remote and in-person session is the physical contact that is involved. The client won’t feel the practitioner’s hands during a remote session, but they may feel a slight tingling, heat, or energy, or nothing at all during the practitioner’s hand placements. Remote Reiki sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions and some people even prefer them because they can be done from the comfort of their own home. Remote Reiki sessions can be done through video call or by setting a time for the practitioner to send healing energy to the client.